'True Blue's and Sports Fan Depression
With virtually all March Madness brackets busted, and only a few teams left standing, the March Madness funk has hit households across America. Affected fans appear disoriented and unproductive, as they feel personally let down by their team. For days and weeks, the True Blue fans will become 'blue.'
Sports fan depression is a real thing, and March Madness is one of its peak times. Feelings of loss, agony, despair, irritability, and lack of the ability to concentrate are all common symptoms of depression; however, they can also be a painful response to a sports-related defeat. The 'agony of defeat' is often caused by one play--one bad decision or response--resulting in a swing in some fans' personal pendulum from joy and excitement to utter devastation.
To determine if you or someone you know is suffering from Sports Fan Depression, please read the following stages:
In most cases, the denial stage quickly ends as it gives way to the more painful stages to follow.
II) Pain/Guilt
Most sports fans move quickly from denial into the emotion of anger, while others take time to process their overwhelming and painful emotions.
Red from the rage of losing,
V) Depression/Lonliness
How does one work through these stages of Sports Fan Depression?
I) Unplug
II) Get Social
III)Fill the Void
IV) Talk About It
V) Wait It Out