Marijuana in sports

Did you ever hear about that guy who overdosed on marijuana? Yeah me either. That just might be the mindset behind so many professional athletes who are standing up to their different leagues to legalize marijuana. Other than the fact that they believe it reduces stress and helps them after their games.
Athletes in the NBA and NFL say that close to ninety percent of the league smokes marijuana. Marijuana is a banned substance in the NBA and NFL. The players in these leagues are only tested one time a year. Usually failing these test results in a small fine or suspension to these players. If the leagues are giving out these petty fines and suspensions what is their purpose. They are so lenient on their punishments that they might as well legalize it for their employees. It is just hypocrisy that it is even illegal when there are players playing in states where marijuana is legal. Who's jurisdiction means more? The states or these leagues.
What sparks this situation, even more, is what former NBA player Matt Barnes had to say about this situation. The GM's, coaches, presidents. I mean, it goes deeper than what you think. Some of the people that are cracking whips and suspending us are smoking weed." There is not an example being shown for these professionals. It seems that the culture in these leagues makes it look okay to use marijuana. So that serves as the bigger reason for why the leagues should make it legal for these professionals to use marijuana.
The whole point of smoking marijuana for the professional athletes although is for them to use it medicinally and not recreational use. Athletes deal with concussions, disorders, pain, and different anxieties. I think that for athletes who are wanting to legalize marijuana are coming from a good position. For nearly two quarters of the year, we expect these players to come out and pour their heart into the game we love to watch. If we want to continue to see these players do this night in and night out the league should legalize marijuana. Instead of players having to sneak around league staff and officials to toke up.
I don't think it is a matter of these athletes being role models to people watching. Their bodies and mental states are on the line. The money and fans might be a great asset that comes with being one of these professional athletes. Although it does not help when the pain happens, and the fans and money cannot heal that pain. Painkillers are also not going to help these athletes. They face more substantial defects compared to marijuana. I believe we all have heard of someone who has suffered setbacks from painkillers. How much can we say we care about our employees if we allow them to deal with their pain from things that don't help? Do we care more about how they appeal to media and people or do we genuinely care about their health?