Trans Athletes: Breaking Boundaries or Records?
There is wide-spread assumption that male to female transsexual athletes have unfair competitive advantages. Both testosterone and height...

My Predictions for the First Round of the Western Conference Playoffs
The NBA western conference is so overpowered this season that you could watch just about any playoff game and have a good time. With...

Bossaball- Epic Combo of Music and Sports
Do you like trampolines? How about playing volleyball and soccer at the same time? How about playing soccer and volleyball at the same...

It’s not over… till it’s over
There is only one thing we can be certain while talking about sports – nothing is certain till the referee blows the whistle for the last...

I Was Wrong
A couple weeks ago I gave my predictions for how the National League would play out, including how the Cincinnati Reds would be...

Bucks' Playoff Run
Milwaukee, one of the smaller cities in terms of popularity with their NBA franchise, the Milwaukee Bucks; however, this is all changing...

North Side Bloomin'
(Pictured above left to right: Jailen Young, Teague Berres, Jamario Rowe and Jaquan Rhodes.) When it comes to North Huntsville you never...

Why Does the SEC Dominate in College Football.
In college football we all know which conference dominates college football, and obviously it is the SEC. The Southeastern Conference has...

The Invasion of Steroids in the Sport's Realm
Athletes across the nation are ruining their careers because they have fallen victim to the temptation of performance-enhancing drugs. It...

Big Mac's Big Scandal
In the Great Home Run Race of 1998, there were two larger-than-life players—Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. At the time, Big Mac and...